Free Printable Class of 2020 Journal Pages
Do you have a graduate this year? This year many graduates will not be able to cross the stage and accept their diploma. I've created Class of 2020 journal pages for your graduate to be able to jot down their experience, memories, and emotions during this strange time.

Free Printables Class of 2020 Journal Pages
I have two graduates this year. Eric is a Senior in high school and Hannah graduating from eighth grade. They both have voiced how disappointed they are on how the school year ended. For Eric, he will be able to cross the stage the end of June, with a tentative July date as well. I've created these journal pages so they can express themselves and look back on this time. Look back and share with their children about the year 2020 and the position of this world and how they got thru it.
I hope these journal pages can help your graduate write down their memories. <3 #classof2020
Click on the images below to download the journal pages to your computer. Print
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