Free Printable Father’s Day Coloring Page and Card
Needing a trophy for the best dad? Well, I have the perfect solution. 🙂 Not a literal trophy but this super cute trophy coloring page and card will surely be a winner for that special dad! These are a perfect way for the kiddos to tell the dad in their lives that he is the BEST!

Free Printable Father's Day Coloring Page & Card
Unfortunately, my dad passed away almost two years ago. I hold on tight to some of those Father's Days when I would get a few pieces of paper and tape to make him a king crown. His birthday would sometimes fall on Father's Day so it would be an extra special day. I would make him a homemade card which would always make him smile. When creating the coloring page and card, I definitely had my dad in mind.
To enjoy the coloring page and card, click on the images below, print, color, and maybe add a very special message of your own.
If you want to give that dad a sweet treat, click here to download the free printable candy bar wrapper.Â

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