Looking for a fun Christmas activity for the kids? These printables are perfect. Eight printables of well-known Christmas characters displaying just their feet. It is a great way to get them thinking creatively and having fun at the same time!

Simply Love Printables 8 Christmas Finish the Picture Printables

Eight Christmas Finish the Picture Printables


You can use these as an activity on Christmas Eve night before bedtime or even as part of your holiday party activities! They’re also great for schools, Sunday school classes, daycare centers, homeschoolers – anyone who wants some family-friendly entertainment during the holidays! The possibilities are endless when it comes to this easy activity that everyone in your family will love doing together. And best of all… it’s free!!

Once you download, print on white copy paper or heavy cardstock. Then grab crayons, colored pencils, or markers and finish the pictures. It will be fun to see what they come up with. Display their masterpieces for all to see!

Get started now! Fill out the form below to download immediately.



Simply Love Printables 8 Christmas Finish the Picture Printables

Printables on this site are for personal use only. They are not meant to be altered or redistributed for free or monetary gain without written consent from the creator/author, Kelly of Simply Love Printables. If others want to use the printables for themselves, please share the link to the blog post. Teachers and educators can use printables in their classrooms and with other colleagues but cannot be edited in any way. Any questions can be directed to kelly@simplyloveprintables.com.

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