Are you looking for something to teach your young child the names of animals and have super fun doing it? Well, search no further! These Animal Coloring Pages with Letter Tracing are a great activity for your toddler, preschooler, or kindergartner. You have to admit these are some cute animals. My daughter saw them and she really likes them so I got to work! I made the animal larger so it would be easier to color and a great way to practice staying in the lines. She also needs to practice writing her letters so I added the name of the animals too! So below, you'll find the outcome of these great coloring pages. She enjoys using them, I hope your little one will too! 🙂

Free Printable Animal Coloring Pages with Letter Tracing
To access the Animal Coloring Pages with Letter Tracing, choose the animal you wish to print and click on the image found below. 🙂
If you want to print out all of them, no problem! Click on the first image below, Complete Set of Animal Coloring Pages with Letter Tracing.
Here is what you'll find:
- alligator
- bear
- beaver
- chipmunk
- goat
- deer
- donkey
- giraffe
- goat
- hare
- hippo and hippopotamus
- donkey
- kitten
- lion
- monkey
- moose
- owl
- penguin
- pig
- puppy
- raccoon
- rhino and rhinoceros
- seal
- sheep
- skunk
- tiger
- walrus
- wolf
- and, zebra!


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