Simply Love Printables Free First Day of School Signs


Free Printable First Day of School Signs


The new school year is finally here! It feels like just yesterday we were taking the pictures of your kids with their Last Day of School Signs, and now they’re off to start another fantastic academic experience. To commemorate this joyous occasion for all involved, you'll find these Free Printable First Day of School Signs below. Plus, these will be a memorable keepsakes that you’ll enjoy looking back on for years to come.

These Free Printable First Day of School Signs come in 6 different styles. Each set comes with grades of Pre-K thru Senior Year. You can add the school year to each sign by using a black sharpie marker.  When printing the signs, we recommend printing on cardstock so they are nice and sturdy, but regular printer paper will work just fine too.

A PDF will appear immediately after you click on the image you want to download. As mentioned, Pre-K through Senior Year are included in each set. When in your printer settings, you can choose which page of the PDF you want to print instead of printing the whole document.

Once printed, now it’s time to capture a photo of your child on their last day of school. Have them hold the sign with pride and say a big, C-H-E-E-ZZZ!

Wishing all the students a great school year ahead!




Simply Love Printables Free First Day of School Signs Apple Pre-K Thru Senior Year

You can personalize by adding the school year inside the apple.


Simply Love Printables Free First Day of School Signs Watercolor Chalk Pre-K Thru Senior Year

You can personalize by adding the school year inside the yellow banner


Simply Love Printables Free First Day of School Signs Colored Pencils Pre-K Thru Senior Year

You can personalize by adding the school year under the word “YEAR”


Simply Love Printables Free First Day of School Signs Heart Pre-K Thru Senior Year

You can personalize by adding the school year in either the Lower Lefthand or

Lower Righthand Corner.

Or inside the Ruler would be Great too!




Simply Love Printables Free First Day of School Signs Chalkboard Pre-K Thru Senior Year

You can personalize by adding the school year inside the Apple



Simply Love Printables Free First Day of School Signs Old School House Pre-K Thru Senior Year

You can personalize by adding the school year inside the Roof of the School,

or underneath the Grade





Simply Love Printables Free First Day of School Signs Pin Image

Printables on this site are for personal use only. They are not meant to be altered or redistributed for free or monetary gain without written consent from the creator/author, Kelly of Simply Love Printables. If others want to use the printables for themselves, please share the link to the blog post. Teachers and educators can use printables in their classrooms and with other colleagues but cannot be edited in any way. Any questions can be directed to

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