St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner! While traditional parades, dances, and feasts are great ways to commemorate the holiday, they may not be suitable for everyone. For those who prefer a more low-key and fun-filled approach to the celebrations, I have the perfect solution: these Free Printable St. Patrick's Day Activity Placemats!


Free St. patrick's day Activity Placemats


Whether you're looking for something to do during a family meal or want to entertain your little ones during a party, these St. Patrick's Day Activity Placemats are sure to do the trick. Designed with the holiday in mind, the placemat features a maze, a word search, and coloring graphics, all centered around St. Patrick's Day themes.

They are easy to download and print. Just click on the image you want to download, and a PDF will immediately appear. Download it to your computer and print it. Choose “Fit to Page” to include the black border in the design.



Simply Love Printables St. Patrick's Day Activity Placemats
Simply Love Printable St. Patrick's Day Activity Placemat Fit to Page

Suggested Coloring Supplies

Simply Love Printable St. Patrick's Day Activity Placemat 2
Simply Love Printable St. Patrick's Day Activity Placemat



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