Free Printable Year in Review for kids
Creating “My Year in Review” is a fun way to remember your child's best moments from the last year. This might be done for the entire family or for each individual child. However you choose to celebrate the year that was, doing a “My Year in Review” is a wonderful way to look back on the experiences you had. It's a wonderful opportunity to show your kids how much they've developed and accomplished. The annual review is a visual memento.
The Free “My Year in Review” printables come in three versions: colored, coloring page with and without frame. It includes several sections, they are as follows…
- Name, age, height, grade, school attended
- 2022 Highlights
- My favorite…color, food, book song, movie, and
- 2023 Here I Come, My Goals
This is a great activity to capture memories, moments, and milestones that might be easy to forget as the year goes on. Plus, it is a great way to help your kids see how much they have grown and achieved. I might add that this is a great keepsake.
You can add to this by grabbing a blank page and adding photos, stickers, and artwork to create a collage of your child's year.
To download, just click on the image below. A PDF will immediately appear. Download it to your computer and print. That's it!
For the printables that have a black frame, choose “Fit to Page” as seen below.

I hope you enjoy this fun activity with your little ones.
Happy New Year!
Looking for another New Year Activity? Look here

Printables on this site are for personal use only. They are not meant to be altered or redistributed for free or monetary gain without written consent from the creator/author, Kelly of Simply Love Printables. If others want to use the printables for themselves, please share the link to the blog post. Teachers and educators can use printables in their classrooms and with other colleagues but cannot be edited in any way. Any questions can be directed to kelly@simplyloveprintables.com.
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