Free Printable Groundhog Day Activity Set
With February 2 right around the corner, I thought I'd share some super cute Groundhog Day printables for you to enjoy with the kids. You'll find 9 fun-filled activity printables, including a “Happy Groundhog Day” printable you can hang on a door, wall or the refrig to celebrate this fun day.

Free Printable groundhog day activity set
Soon Punxsutawney Phil, the well-known groundhog, will tell us what the next 6 weeks of weather will be! When he comes out of his hole on the 2nd of February, will he see his shadow and run back into his hole? Or, not see his shadow at all? Make your Groundhog Day predication with the printable, here…
To get the Word Search, How Many Words Can You Make, and a Coloring Page activity printables, just click on the image to download.

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