Free Printable Halloween Candy Wrappers and More
Halloween candy has been on the stores shelves for about a month now so I knew that I had to get working on creating Halloween candy wrappers. Well, I went a bit overboard I guess, I created journal pages, door hangers, gift tags, coloring pages, cupcake toppers and party favor bag toppers. Phew! Let me catch my breath 🙂 There are many designs to choose from. You can share with friends, family, teachers and trick or treaters.Â

Free Printable Halloween Candy Wrappers and More
 I admit that I think these 14 FREE Halloween printables are super adorable. 🙂
Halloween Candy Wrapper with Circle Gift Tag and Hershey Miniature and Hershey Nugget Wrappers. Click the images below and print. The print quality can vary depending on paper quality and ink quality. Set your printer to the BEST printing setting. If you have questions, just check your printer's manual. I personally use and recommend using this 28lb or 32lb paper with 100 brightness. For the 1.55-ounce Hershey candy bar, cut the wrapper out and wrap around the candy bar. Use either tape or a non-toxic glue stick to secure. Two gift tags are included in the printable. You can cut out or use a circle paper punch size 2″ for these tags. Tape a gift tag on the front of the candy bar. You can add a colorful ribbon for a nice finished look.
Now these super cute, Bat candy wrappers, are specifically made for Hershey Miniature Chocolate Candy Bars. The Ghost wrapper will fit a Hershey Nugget. Print, cut and tape or glue to the candy! You're ready to go!
Halloween Journal Pages. The super adorable Halloween Journal Pages are perfect for your little one to write about their Halloween. What costume they wore, what type of candy they received, who they spent their day with or they can use them to write a letter to a friend or an extra special someone.
Halloween Gift Tags. These can be added to a Halloween gift or a mason jar filled with Hershey Kisses. A nice gift for a teacher. Once the gift tags are printed, grab your scissors or paper trimmer and cut out. Use a hole punch for the center of the gift tag. Add a string and tie to a gift.
Hershey Kisses Labels. Click on the image below to download the pdf. I suggest using a .75 circle paper punch to get the perfect cut for the Hershey Kisses. Add glue to the back and place on a Kiss and you're good to go! These could be also added to IndividuallyWrapped Mints, Cinnamon Disk, Butterscotch to name a few.
Halloween Cupcake Toppers. Instructions on how to assemble the cupcake toppers, click here to see the video tutorial I created. Please note, these cupcake toppers are 2″.Â
Halloween Favor Bag Toppers. Add candy corn to a clear plastic favor bag. Cut the topper and fold over the candy-filled bag and staple to secure. These make for a great “Trick or Treat” treat.Â
Need to let Trick or Treaters know that no candy is left? These Sorry, We're Out of Candy Door Hangers are a great way to let Trick or Treaters know in a gentle way.
Halloween Coloring Pages are super cute for your little ones. The perfect way to wind down by coloring after a day of trick or treating.Â

Printables on this site are for personal use only. They are not meant to be altered or redistributed for free or monetary gain without written consent from the creator/author, Kelly of Simply Love Printables. If others want to use the printables for themselves, please share the link to the blog post. Teachers and educators can use printables in their classrooms and with other colleagues but cannot be edited in any way. Any questions can be directed to
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