Free Printable Mother’s Day Candy Bar Wrapper

Do you need a little extra to add to a gift for Mother's Day? Do you have a neighbor you want to share some appreciation on Mother's Day? These Mother's Day Candy Bar Wrappers will be a great add-on or a simple, quick sweet treat for that special mom! <3

Simply Love Printables Mothers Day Candy Bar Wrapper

Free Printable Mother's Day Candy Bar Wrapper

These two designs have been created to be wrapped around a 1.55 oz candy bar. I always use a Hershey Bar (my favorite smile). All you need to do is click on the images below to download to your printer, cut, and wrap! Cut out the badge you'd like to add to the wrapped candy bar, add some tape or glue, and place it on the candy bar. You can add a ribbon if you'd like! It's a nice added touch I think 🙂

Here is the set that I made for my daughter. It's her first Mother's Day and she loves chocolate. So I thought this would be an extra special treat to add with her gift.

Simply Love Printables Mothers Day Candy Bar Wrapper Picture
Click the image below you want to download.
Simply Love Printables Happy Mothers Day Candy Wrapper
Simply Love Printables Happy Mothers Day Candy Wrapper Pink Green



Simply Love Printables Pinterest Pin It Image Mothers Day Candy Bar Wrapper

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